Global registry
of company’s assets
Baseline™ enables keeping a central register of fixed assets and equipment of the company. Each entity is categorised, based on groups of assets (hardware, printers, licenses), with identification of location, it is possible to determine exactly how many elements there are in the warehouse and how many are in use. Every item has its own history and list of events, including incidents, showing use, return, or liquidation.
Users can search through assets registry for individual elements based on name, category, serial number or manufacturer.
Fast and easy
asset assignations
Handing over of equipment to an employee is an operation recorded in the history of equipment lifecycle. Such information enables specifying a person responsible for a given asset at any given time. For that purpose Baseline™ helps to generate electronic hand-over reports, return reports, and fixed asset liquidation reports. Signed reports are scanned and uploaded into the system.
Baseline™ also enables handing over of equipment to persons from outside the organization.
of company’s equipment
Every piece of equipment may be QR coded. Every code is unique and helps to identify an asset and perform stocktaking. Stocktaking is performed with the use of Baseline™ mobile application equipped with QR code reader.
Stocktaking is most useful in managing equipment used or kept outside the company’s office.